Sunday, February 10, 2008

Female Gentalia Pimples

The wine on the table

Since all of our guests are wine lovers, today we give some advice on combinations of this precious drink on our tables.

First, it must be said that wines can be divided into three main groups:

Wines quiet meal by

Dessert wines or dessert, sparkling

Wine flavored liqueur or meals

Now we go more specifically ...

Still wines with meals

can be further subdivided into:

  • white

  • Red

  • rose

I red wines should be opened in advance at the time of tasting, about an hour in advance for each year of aging. If this is not possible, then it must be poured into a jug allowing for the oxygen, so it misses the smell of barrel and closed. The white wines not need this process and should never be carafe.

I table wines be matched to the food to make harmonious flavors and not cover the taste of food with the wine or vice versa.

We give now some indications on combinations of foods and wines.

  • Appetizers : white wine, dry, not too alcoholic, with no intense aroma, to be served fresh

  • Soups : white wine, dry, or light pink

  • pasta and risotto : light red or pink fresh, to be served at around 15 degrees

  • Fish : wine white, dry, too strong, preferably aromatic and slightly aged, to be served cold at 7-8 degrees

  • dishes in between, of course, goulash : white wine for fried food, red wine is not too strong for the wet, full-bodied wine for roasts

  • Game : red wine, full bodied, importantly, aged, to be served at room temperature in a large glass that enhances the flavor.

Dessert wines

  • sweet or spicy cheese : we approach red dessert wine, dry

  • Futta : sweet sparkling wine

  • Sweets : sweet sparkling wine, wine liqueur or dessert wine Vin Santo

NB The classic vin Santo absolutely must precede the coffee!


wines that are usually expressed do not accompany the meal and can be divided into:

  • Liqueur

  • Wine flavored

Last but not least, remember to not pull MAI:

  • a sweet wine with fish, meat, pickles, dressed salads, raw artichokes, vegetables in general, cheese, ice cream

  • light wines with game or meat courses challenging

  • bodied red wines with seafood or shellfish


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